Basic Changes you can Start Today
- Think carefully about where you live and decide if it meets your needs
- De-clutter your house fully to start with then maintain a low clutter tolerance into the future. Give unwanted items to charity
- Recycle any materials that you cannot give away and make recycling part of your everyday routine
- Reuse items and materials in creative ways (save money
- Reduce the amount of noise in your home by turning of music, radio and television only when you need to use them
- Make no background noise the rule in your home
- Assess the available space outside your house and consider how it is used
- Insulate your house as well as you can (save money)
- Keep yourself warm rather than heating every room in the house (save money)
- Buy a scrubbing brush and use it
- Always investigate second-hand furniture before looking at buying new (save money)
- Learn to clean not as a chore, but as an important job of work you do for home and family
Some Changes you might like to consider for the Future
- Change your living room from a place where family members watch television to a place where a variety of activities can take place
- Use wood flooring and furniture as you come to replace your current items
- Refresh your house by painting walls and using simple fabrics
- Consider changing the function of rooms
- Dig up your lawn and grow vegetables instead (save money)
- Consider the viability of electricity generation for your home using wind or solar power (save money)
- Consider learning basic carpentry, plumbing or needlework skills (save money)
- Consider becoming a one car family (save money)
- Consider sharing car journeys to work (save money)
- Consider using public transport to get to work (save money)
Some big radical changes you may want to move towards
- Sell up and move to the country
- Give up your car (save money)
- If you have the resources, land and skills then build your own house (save money - perhaps)
How do I learn new skills?
Ask neighbours, friends, family. In particular elderly people may have lots of skills they are willing to pass on to anyone interested. In your area you may find evening or weekend courses you can attend. YouTube can provide easy free access to experts!
(C) Ray Lovegrove 2022
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