
Showing posts with label grace. Show all posts
Showing posts with label grace. Show all posts

Your Outside Space

‘When we are at home in the garden, tending and nurturing all its plants, animals and minerals, living with them through all the seasons and days, then healing comes upon us like a gift and makes us whole.’ 

~ Christopher Bamford. 

In 1854 Henry David Thoreau published his book Walden, or a Live in the Woods. Thoreau, a Unitarian and transcendentalist, spent two years two months and two days living alone in the woods near Concord in Massachusetts in a self-made wooden house, foraging for and growing his own food. The book has been influential, both as a pioneer work of self-sufficiency, but also as a work of literature. Critics of Thoreau will always point out that his experience was not quite as ‘back-to-earth’ as might be believed, Concord was no too far away from ‘civilization’ and he did ‘send home the washing’ to his mother each week, and he had a steady stream of literary and philosophical visitors, but criticisms aside it is a wonderfully documented experiment. Thoreau did simplify his life and did use the experience to shape a philosophy of self-sufficiency which helps those of us attempting the same thing today.

Few of us have the means to do as Thoreau did and go out into the woods and ‘do our own thing’, but any of us with some land can have a pretty good attempt at a degree of self-sufficiency. Growing food is not just a process of producing food to avoid having to buy it, growing your own food is a way of connecting yourself with the land and with the seasons, it is as much a spiritual thing as a practical exercise and the  fulfilment of harvest is a rich one even if your crop is small. Even those without land can share in this bounty (Simple Gathering)

"I used to visit and revisit it a dozen times a day, and stand in deep contemplation over my vegetable progeny with a love that nobody could share or conceive of who had never taken part in the process of creation. It was one of the most bewitching sights in the world to observe a hill of beans thrusting aside the soil, or a rose of early peas just peeping forth sufficiently to trace a line of delicate green" 

~ Henry David Thoreau 

How to Grow Food 

Growing food changed humans from nomadic hunter gatherers into agriculturalists, so you could argue that it was the very beginning of what we call civilization. As you start on the process of growing your own food you may think that the deciding factor in success is how much land you have, this is very far from the truth. Geography, climate, weather, sunlight, soil, water and luck all exert a powerful influence on what you can grow on your land, and how effectively you grow your food. My old house stood on one acre of land which is about 130metres above sea level on the border between Wales and England, on moving here from the Thames Valley my first growing year was an education in what I could no longer grow and it took me a couple of years to realize that, early first frost, and late last frost, combined with a wet and windy climate and a vast rabbit population, would dictate many of my crop choices. It will be the same for you, wherever you grow your food you must take into account the constraints offered by nature; gardening books and television gardening advice can give you the rough direction, but you need to travel the roads and byways of your land yourself. Whatever land you are blessed with, it will give you food and that food will be good, give it time. Since moving to Sweden the new challenges involved with growing food in a shorter growing season have been many.

Of course it could be that your land is greater than a garden, you may have a smallholding or even a farm. Again success is not won easily and having the land is only the first hurdle in feeding yourself and your family. 

What to Grow

The answer to this is simple, it just may take some time to uncover the answer. Firstly, look at your area and see what others are growing successfully. If your neighbour can grow asparagus well then it should be a crop that you can consider, if you can walk for miles before coming across a decent soft fruit crop, then perhaps it is just not the area. This should not stop you trying to grow what you want, but it should be considered.  

Your local climate may be difficult, late frosts, early frosts, dry summers wet summers, slugs, deer, rabbits! Climate change is adding to the unpredictability of the whole process of growing food. This is one good reason for growing a wide range of crops, whatever the weather some things will succeed, and other things fail, monoculture is never the right path to self-sufficiency. 

If you have limited land you may want to consider not growing crops because they are available to you at low cost elsewhere. If you live a potato growing area; I would be foolish to give over great areas of your vegetable plot to grow potatoes if the farmer down the road will sell them to me at minimal cost. Likewise, if you have the taste for an expensive crop, like asparagus or globe artichokes, then growing them in your plot might save you more money over the years than growing crops that can usually be obtained cheaply like carrots or swede. 

Keep careful notes, nothing is more fun than using an ‘appointment diary’ to keep a record of what you sow, you can also smile to yourself that you have no appointments to keep! In this way you can keep a record of your successes and failures over the years and eventually have a good selection of reliable varieties that do well for you, this will help prevent you from being seduced by the descriptions offered in seed catalogues that are, at best highly ‘imaginative’. Whatever you grow determine to try two of three new things each year, in this way you're growing will never lack interest nor will you miss out on exciting new crops. 

“The greatest change we need to make is from consumption to production, even if on a small scale, in our own gardens. If only ten percent of us do this, there is enough for everyone. Hence the futility of revolutionaries who have no gardens, who depend on the very system they attack, and who produce words and bullets, not food and shelter.” 

― Bill Mollison 


Obviously the first thing that you will want to consider is growing vegetables, these are not the only crops that you will want to grow so don’t use all of your land up for them without some careful thought first. Summer vegetables are fine, but don’t fall into the trap of growing more than you can eat, preserve, or freeze. Give over a good proportion of your growing area to those crops that produce a harvest at other times of the year particularly winter and early spring. Unless you live in a very cold area you should be able to find varieties of sprouts, kale, cabbage, and leek that will ensure your plot is productive throughout the year. Digging and the correct use of manure and lime are important for your crops, so plan your year as well as your space carefully. Seed catalogues will frequently tell you that a new variety is better than all its predecessors, however, this is rarely true and, as far as I know only time will tell. 

Trees with edible fruit and nuts

Apples, pears, plums, damsons, cherries, hazelnuts and walnuts are all worth growing if you have the space. In addition to the food they may provide you with sticks for growing peas and beans and perhaps some firewood. Trees can also provide you with useful windbreaks which have a very important role in your growing area. While all of these trees take a few years to become productive the investment is worth it, an apple tree can repay you its original cost in its first two years of apple production. If you do not have fruit trees growing near you then you will have to plant more than one of each species to provide a pollination partner. If you live in an area where spring can come late, then choose late flowering varieties where possible. 

Soft Fruit 

One of the best things to grow in any garden is soft fruit like raspberries, strawberries, blackcurrants, red-currants, gooseberries, blueberries, wine berries, etc. Not only are they much less time consuming than vegetables, but they can be easily reserved, in a number of ways so overproduction is rarely a problem. Again the cost of the plants is soon covered by fruit production and careful planning will provide you with years of cropping. The different species of plant listed above all, have some special growing requirements so do your research well before planting. In almost every garden you will need to protect your crop from birds, I like to keep mine under netting and then, when I have harvested all I need I remove the net and let the wild birds move in for a feast! 


You can grow herbs in any sized garden and it proves to be very profitable indeed, not only do you have fresh herbs to cook with when you want them, but you can also grow some to treat minor ailments With a few notable exceptions (like bay for instance) dried herbs are very disappointing, so preserve them by freezing or making herb pesto’s which can be then be used in cooking throughout the year. Some herbs are perennial and need a sheltered spot in the garden, but others can be grown annually very easily. When I first moved to my current house I carefully planned an herb garden, but now I have planted herbs all over the place, in vegetable plots, containers and flower beds, you can find clumps of chives, sage and various mints in all kinds of corners. Plant some of your favourite herbs close to the house in pots so that you can pop out and harvest them while cooking (and find them in the dark). Pots can be moved into a polytunnel or conservatory in the winter to prolong the growing season and protect them from frosts. You should certainly consider chives, mint, sage, thyme, oregano/marjoram, parsley, rosemary, winter and summer savoury and, if you have the space and your winters are no too harsh, bay. 

Decorative Plants 

However large or small your growing area is, please don’t forget to grow flowers, shrubs and trees which are beautiful, but not necessarily edible. Flowers will do much to encourage valuable pollinators to your garden so please choose those that have open structures which allow for nectar and pollen to be taken. Flowers can make your garden more beautiful and can also provide you with cut flowers for the house and dried flowers for the winter months. Some flowers are very useful to grow in your vegetable plot because they either smell so strongly they put pests off the scent of your crops, or they act as a breeding ground for friendly predators, or they act as a decoy for predators. Pot marigolds and nasturtiums are very useful and, self-sown, germinating nasturtium seeds is a very good indicator that the soil is warm enough to sow many vegetables.  

Shrubs, bushes and trees all have a use in providing hedging, windbreaks, hiding the unsightly and protecting your privacy. Most importantly a garden which finds room for beauty, as well as food production, will be a wonderful environment for you and your family to work and relax in. 

Protected Growing 

For most of us the biggest problem we have in growing food is the shortness of the growing season. This can be extended by a number of means, for instance starting seedling off on a windowsill indoors will have your plants off to a rapid start when the weather is warm enough for them to go outside. If you are lucky enough to have a conservatory, or greenhouse attached to your home, you can take full advantage of lighter and warmer conditions than outdoors environment for much of the year.  

Polythene is a cheap, easily recycled, and very useful material for making protected areas outside, either on its own over metal hoops, or shaped into a polytunnel. Polytunnels are not as effective as conventional greenhouses, but are very useful for protecting crops. The night time temperature in my tunnel is never less than four degrees above the outside temperature, so in spring and autumn you can extend the growing season by up to four weeks, and in summer you can raise crops, like tomatoes, cucumbers and peppers which may not grow well outside in your area. 

Take care to choose your tunnel and its position carefully and be aware that in some areas they require planning permission, so please check with your local authority before you get building.  Every few years you will need to change the polythene on your tunnel so be sure to recycle the old cover and fit in with your obligation to recycle wherever possible. 

Organic or Not? 

Obviously a simple grower will want to use the soil in a way that does not contaminate it for future generations, and will want to protect animals that have as much right to the land as you do. On the other hand, if you do nothing all your crops will be lost and your work in vain. The answer is to select a form of growing that has minimum impact on the environment. For most of us organic gardening is the way, but before we fully accept the concept we might like to consider a few points. Firstly ‘the organic movement’ has had a tendency to go back in time to the agricultural methods of a time before World War II. If you read books on growing written before that time you will find it quite common to kill weeds with concentrated sulphuric acid and to spray fruit with terrible substances like arsenate of lead, because something used to be done doesn’t mean the environmental impact was not significant, it was just unmeasured. I have also seen organic gardeners widely accept volcanic ash as a fertilizer because it is ‘natural’ whereas in fact, it contains dangerous levels of selenium compounds, very toxic substances. Err on the side of caution before using a product just because it is labelled as ‘natural’ or ‘organic’ both words are widely used in advertising and seldom have much meaning.  The ‘real way’ of organic gardening is to use any way you can come up with without resorting to harmful chemicals. 

In my garden I apply the following rules to help conserve the environment and get a reasonable crop; 

  • If crops seem to be doing fine then don’t use any pesticide on them at all! 
  • If you have leaves attacked by insect pests like then try spraying with water to remove them, or a solution of soft-soap applied regularly. If you are driven to use something more powerful use a spray that is biodegradable and non-toxic to humans like pyrethrums of a suspension of rape oil in water. 
  • Net, cover and protect your crops as effectively as you can. 
  • Make a scarecrow, but be careful they can give you a terrible shock if you look up from your work to see them standing above you! 
  • If slugs are a problem, then try trapping them in beer traps, or collecting them at night. You may have some success with biological controls like nematodes, but these can prove very expensive with a large area to treat. If you have to use other manufactured remedies ensure that you use well tested, biologically friendly, products and use them very sparingly. A pet duck, if you can tolerate the mess, will eat itself silly on slugs and happily spend the day finding them. 
  • Encourage wildlife to your garden that feed on pests; hedgehogs, frogs and toads get looked after very well in my garden, it’s the least I can do! 
  • Ginger cats are excellent at getting your garden free of rabbits, rats and mice; in my experience they are better than any other shade of cat at doing this. 
  • Homemade compost is the best way to feed your plants. 
  • Growing plants can benefit from regular spaying with a seaweed solution. 
  • Proprietary organic fertilizers are, in my opinion, very useful on occasions and I do use them to boost growth on plants that will not succeed otherwise. 
  • Weeds are kept under control by hand weeding and hoeing. Clearing grassland to convert into food growing areas is very difficult without the one-off use of a biodegradable weed killer, but success can be had if you cover the area with black polythene for about six months prior to digging. Perhaps the best approach to weeds is to find those that are good to eat, and those that chickens like to eat and tolerate them to some extent. Other weeds of the perennial kind need to be dug out. It is wrong to expect a weed free garden, but it is bad gardening to let the weeds take over. 
  • The golden rule is that whatever substances you use on your garden, don’t use them more often than necessary, and store them safely. If you can avoid using them altogether, then that is the simple way. 

The Large Plot 

If your plot is large the best way to manage it is by conventional growing using crop rotation. For instance divide you plot into four and use them as 1 Potatoes, 2 Brassica (cabbage family), 3 green leafy vegetable and beans, 4 roots. Every year you chance the order of plots that no crop grows in the same place for four years. You will need to also find space for fruit trees, soft fruit, and herbs, but these generally don’t get included in the rotation. You might also like to consider a polytunnel. Large plots do require a lot of work, especially if your locality has unpredictable weather and you find yourself with late frosts and summer droughts.  Larger plots do not allow the kind of micro-management that smaller plots allow so you have to space crops very generously to allow for hoeing, smaller plots allow for more hand weeding. If a large space is available to you, but your time or energy is limited, consider fencing a smaller area off for food production and leaving some of you

The Medium Sized Plot

For any medium sized plot of land the best and simplest way to use it is a traditional kitchen garden. Vegetable plots are positioned with some suitable paving, or gravel, paths to separate them. Crop rotation should be used and flowers and fruit bushes incorporated into the general design. Intensive cultivation is much more manageable than on a larger plot so plants can be spaced a little closer and crops can be raised by sequential cropping; as soon as one crop is harvested the next crop goes in (autumn/winter crops like leeks are quickly followed by summer cabbages, or sprouts followed by potatoes). If your soil is poor, or you are unable to dig easily, then you should consider the use of raised beds, these are expensive to set up, but are very effective ways of maximizing your food production. 

The Small Plot 

To my mind any realistic ideas of crop rotation are inappropriate for a small area, though you should still avoid growing things in exactly the same place as last year. A better way is to start a potager style garden. Here vegetables, fruit, herbs, and flowers are grown together in a way that both produces good crops and looks beautiful. This does mean that your garden does not need to have separate flower beds, the flowers are simply mixed in with the vegetables. Even large gardens can gainfully introduce a potager style for the area close to the hose with large scale vegetable production in the main plots. 

A potager needs to be looked after well and the gardener needs a lot of time on hands and knees, but such a beautiful result is possible in the first year. You can make your potager very ornate and geometric if you want, but keep in mind that it’s a simple life you want! 

A Wok Garden 

If the space for you to grow vegetables is very small consider starting a ‘wok garden’. Simply grow very small numbers of vegetable plants by successional sowings. Every evening, in the summer months just visit your garden and collect the small amounts of vegetables ready for eating; this might be just a few pea pods, half a handful of green beans, a pepper, spring onions, some spinach leaves and a few radishes, whatever is just right to eat. Back in the kitchen chop the vegetables and cook them, with rice or noodles in a wok. You simply don’t need large harvests to do this and you can carry on cropping all season. Salads can also be grown this way, everyday just take what is ready to crop and eat it. If you live alone, or as a couple, this method of gardening and eating will provide you with really fresh food for a good part of the year, in winter months you can grow many vegetables indoors in pots. It may not be self-sufficient, but it is a way of growing and eating your own food. 

Stocking your Plot 

You can buy seeds for your garden or you can buy young plants, but both of these are increasingly expensive. If you are in a community of growers then the sharing of plants can work wonderfully well, you simply sow a tray of cabbage, transplant as many as you need to your neighbour. Don’t ask for or expect, anything back in return, but after a while a community of ‘plant passers’ will be established. Saving your own seed it an excellent way of saving money, just leave a plant or two go to seed, collect and dry them for sowing next year. You can save seeds from most plants, but be warned, you will not get what you expect by saving the seeds of F1 plants, and even if your plants are not F1 you can expect the occasional surprise. Beans, peas, sweet peas, all members of the onion family and beetroot are especially easy to collect seeds from. I leave parsnips to seed themselves in the garden and look for self-sown plants the next year. 

As an experienced grower, you will find that it gets easier to spot self-sown plants in your garden. To the inexperienced eye, these are weeds, but once you can recognize them simply transplant them to a more convenient spot, you will be surprised how effective the collection of these free plants can be. 


Whatever the size of your garden you will need to make a compost heap. Ideally, your compost will be a wonderful and nutritious supplement to your soil, but in reality it will vary in composition and quality. This is not a terrible problem, whatever the quality of your compost as long as it is well decomposed and fibrous it will be of use to you in the garden. Uses weeds, animal manure, grass-clippings and biodegradable waste from your kitchen, try to layer the heap carefully and don’t include large items without chopping them first. In summer your heap will be useable quite quickly, but in cold weather it may take some months. If you are unhappy with the quality of your finished product then layer it with fresh material in a new heap. You can add wood ashes, but not ashes from coal fires, if you add too much of one thing, then mixing the heap up will help material to decompose. You may need to cover your compost heap in very wet weather. 

(C) Ray Lovegrove 2016 2022

Simplicity when Eating

In some areas of life, simplicity may seem a poor substitute for all the toys and treats of modern, state of the art living. When it comes to eating, however, I doubt if many would prefer the modern array of pre-processed, almost pre-digested foods served straight from the microwave and eaten in front of the television to real home-cooked meal, made from quality ingredients and eaten at the table with good company and good conversation. Why accept the former when you can weave the ideals of simple eating into your home and into your life? 

Eating is important, I think we can all agree on that the process of putting food in our mouth important, but how we do is also important. Your grandparents had it sorted out well the family sat at the table, the food was served, and the family ate. Modern life has blurred this process; many of us sit at table with our family very rarely and some of us only on special occasions Christmas or thanksgiving. Surprisingly a number of families have given up eating together entirely, each member of the family, perhaps sometimes in ones and sometimes in twos getting what they want when they want and eating. I want to suggest that individual ‘feeding’ is a poor substitute for the social occasion that is a family meal. Which table families sit at also varies some at a kitchen table with food served at the heat of the food preparing activity, and sometimes in a dining room hopefully close by. But both of these become impossible if the table itself has been dispensed with as it has in many homes in the UK! 

The first step towards simpler eating is to have mealtimes and have a table to eat at. Something about a family eating together suggests all kinds of things are going on besides just the intake of a meal, social interaction ‘how was your day’, ‘what happened at school today’, did you get that hail storm at lunchtime’ ~ all signs of interaction. Young children at the meal table are learning to talk by watching and listening and older children are learning to join in adult conversation where does this happen if not at the family meal table.

Why do I suggest that these things are important and what have they got to do with simplicity at all? I think the answer to that is that by family protocol and tradition we are signifying the importance of the family as a group and, of course, showing that food is vital. Food is not something that we throw down our throats to get on with the next ‘exiting’ thing we have to do, it is, quite simply a matter of life and death! Family eating traditions that you introduce may be setting some kind of pattern for generation to come ~ these things are very important. 

Spiritual Eating. 

If we look at families from a cultural point of view we note also that the meal table is a place of spiritual interaction ~ most religious traditions start with grace or the blessing of the food. My own family follows the Quaker tradition of silent grace. We have introduced a short reading, sometimes, before silent grace to ‘give them something to think about,’ this might be from the bible, the Quaker book Advices and Queries or a book of prayers for children. If we do use readings we are careful to select them to reflect our personal religious preferences, the time of year, and other family, or world events. The member of the family taking grace is different each time to get away from paternalistic (or maternalistic) traditions. Grace need not be like this, and it can be appropriate to any religious tradition. It is possible to envisage that a non-religious family might consider having a short period of ‘thinking time’ at the start of the meal as an alternative to grace. It is also a good idea then then start the meal with some formal words of starting such as ‘bon appetite’ or ‘shalom’ or a traditional greeting from another culture ‘wassail’, ‘skol’ etc. 

In Amish families grace can be a much longer process than that outlined above and may include readings prayers, silence or even hymn singing. As soon as grace is over the food is eating with lack of further ceremony. It is simply a matter of finding out what works for your family. 

Eating Alone. 

For some eating alone is what happens every day, and for others it is an occasional occurrence, either way how can you make this process an important part of a simple life? I would suggest that you need to follow a similar pattern to a family, have mealtimes, set the table well and make it look good, flowers, candles. No reason to miss out on grace, but you can replace conversation with a good book. Why listen to the radio or watch television at mealtimes make them special, you are no less important than when eating with others so simply treat yourself well.  I can see no reason why meals cooked from scratch should not be on the solitary diners table just as with a family; the skill needed to cook for one requires a little more thought, but no more skill of cooking. 

Setting the Table 

Simplicity is not necessarily minimalism, sitting down to eat from matching pure white crockery on a white linen tablecloth may be minimalistic, but it’s not simple. The simple tabletop is spread with what is needed for the meal. If plates don’t match then this shows that you simply buy replacement plates as and when needed, the effect is rustic, unpretentious and very simple.  

Likewise with cutlery, no need for a matching set, just use what you have and make sure that children have equipment to eat with that matches the size of their hands. Try to always find a meaningful centerpiece to the meal, something seasonal, flowers, budding twigs, stones, a small basket of pinecones or a candle. Where possible dish up food at the table from serving dishes, this prevents food wastage and provides plenty of valuable leftovers (the true value of leftovers is discussed in a later chapter. Always have a jug of drinking water on the table and encourage younger people to fill glasses or tumblers themselves. It’s a useful skill! 


The simple way is to have three meals a day served at pretty much the same time each day breakfast, lunch and supper. This, of course does not fit in with everyone’s life perfectly, but it should be the norm for most days. Eating between meals out of necessity is fine, if you have been using lots of energy and are too hungry to wait until the next mealtime, but between meals eating out of habit is probably results in overeating and subsequent weight gain. Meals have a way of evolving within families and that is the way it should be it also means rules develop about what is appropriate and what is inappropriate at the meal table. Younger members of the family should be expected to follow these rules and fit in with the general flow of mealtimes. Rules must be for everyone, and adults cannot behave, at the meal table, in a way that they would find unacceptable in children. 


Visitors should be made welcome at the meal table and never put in the position of eating food they are not happy to eat or embarrassed by protocol. It is good if you want to invite others to eat with you, but do not get involved in the idea that they then have to invite you to eat with them and the whole concept of ‘dinner parties’ a bad one as it results in people eating what they don’t want with people they don’t want to be with at a time when they would rather be getting on with something else. Why put yourself and your friends through the whole rigmarole? An invitation to eat should be just that with no strings attached. Above all having guests for a meal should be a simple thing and not involve any degree of ‘showing off’ or trying to impress, make it relaxed and simple. 

Drinking with Meals 

The simple drink for any meal is water. If you drink alcohol with meals, then decide what amount you chose to drink each week and stick to it! If you refill glasses and lose track of how much alcohol you have drunk then don’t bring the bottle to the meal table. If you want to drink less then try smaller glasses, many wineglasses today are 250cm3 while not so many years ago 175cm3 were the norm, seek out the smaller glasses and use only them at the meal table. If you do serve wine, then always provide water as well. Drinking less is easily achieved by having one or two alcohol free meals each week. Non-alcoholic drinks served at table should not be sugar loaded as this just as calories to the meal without adding any nutrients, children should drink water or diluted fruit juice, not carbonated drinks or ‘squash’.  

Eating Meat 

Meat, historically, has been at the heart of the western diet for thousands of years. However, the demand on land and resources means that an alternative focus for the diet is ethically desirable. You can also consider your relationship to the food on your plate, if you are not happy with killing animals yourself then is it reasonable to expect somebody else to do it for you?  With the large number of alternative products available not eating meat would seem the simple and ‘greenest’ way forward. You might like to consider giving up meat except for one day a week or only eating meat on one or two special occasions a year. Alternatively, you might like to try a vegetarian or vegan diet as outlined below.  

Vegetarian Eating 

Vegetarians do not eat meat or fish (those that do eat fish and call themselves vegetarians have a basic misunderstanding of the concept). Some vegetarians eat eggs and some also eat dairy produce but if this includes cheese it must be made with a vegetarian alternative to rennet, which is produced from the stomachs of calves. It is essential in a vegetarian diet to ensure sufficient protein, vitamin B12 and iron; all components of meat that need alternative sources. Protein can be derived from beans and lentils, but (with the exception of the soya bean) you need to mix these with grain to get the correct supply of essential amino acids; the ‘building blocks’ of muscle tissue and enzymes in the body. Other sources of protein include nuts, eggs, dairy products and ‘meat substitutes’ such as texturized soya and Quorn (TM) and the curd of the soya bean called tofu. You can soon get used to cooking with these substances and produce any number of good dishes. Vitamin B12 is not found easily outside the meat diet so vegetarians need to eat eggs or yeast extract regularly otherwise take vitamin supplements (see Simple Health) Iron is found in a number of plant sources, but for those vulnerable to anaemia, pregnant women, menstruating women, the elderly etc. supplements may be a good idea. A word of warning, becoming vegetarian doesn’t necessarily mean your diet is good, it is possible to be a vegetarian and eat very badly, you still need to think carefully about what you eat each day. 

Vegan Eating 

Vegans will point out that animal cruelty, and exploitation is involved in the production of both meat and dairy. In particular the dairy industry could not run without the killing of young male calves. A vegan diet is an attempt to live within an ethical system which aims to eliminate the farming of animals altogether. As you can see from the information above this is possible and all you need to do is to make sure that you get sufficient protein and vitamin B12 and iron possibly from supplements. A vegan diet is perfectly healthy and, just as meat eater might like to ‘phase in’ a vegetarian diet, likewise vegetarians might like to consider phasing in a vegan diet. 

Feeding Babies 

The plain and simple way to feed babies is on breast milk. Unless there is a sound medical reason why this cannot happen then no excuse exists. Breast milk is the best food available for babies and it is far cheaper than buying an inferior product to make up bottled feed. Mothers may need some professional help to get this right but remember its what breasts are for! 

As babies grow, they will need to be weaned onto solid food, again you may want to take advice on when is the right time to start this, but there is no need to buy manufactured baby food at all. As a father of five I can think of only one occasion when an emergency jar of prepared baby food had to be purchased for one of my children. Food carefully prepared in your own kitchen will be the ideal way to wean your baby, best for baby, best for parents and best to get a head start on a life of good, simple, home-produced food. 

Feeding Children 

As soon as they are fully weaned children need to eat food that is available for all the family. You may need to hold some foods for when the children are older, generally speaking, the sooner children eat a wide range of different and well-prepared foods the better. Fussy eaters are a problem, and it is best to offer food from serving dishes on the table so that children can be tempted to try new foods regularly. If children are food rejecters, be careful not to alienate them from ever trying again by anything approaching forced feeding, better maintain the peace of the meal table and try again another day. Many children eat slowly and many ‘fill up’ with what might seem to you a small amount of food, get used to your child's appetite and meal size limits and accommodate them the best you can around the meal table. As stated in the chapter ‘simple cooking’ do try and involve children as much as possible in the process of food preparation. 

(C) Ray Lovegrove 2015 2022