
Radically Change How You Eat


Basic Changes you can Start Today

  • Make sure that everyone in the household knows who has responsibility for getting meals (either one person or a rota)
  • Make certain that meals are balanced - protein, fats, carbohydrates, a mixture of colours of vegetables red and green
  • Ensure that the dietary needs of those you cook for are always catered for
  • Take care that your kitchen is arranged in an effective way
  • Try to be adventurous in your cooking
  • Always cook with seasonal produce (save money)
  • Always cook in an energy efficient way (save money)
  • Induct your children into the processes of food preparation
  • Keep a kitchen notebook of recipes and other things you don’t want to forget
  • Keep a kitchen scrapbook
  • Avoid using too much salt and sugar in your cooking; start to reduce the amount you use, and you will alter your family’s taste for these things

Some Changes you might like to consider for the Future

  • Cook as many meals as possible ‘from scratch’
  • Include as many fresh vegetables as you can
  • Include more beans, peas and lentils in your cookery (even if you are not a vegetarian!) 
  • Take the time to preserve the foods that you grow or forage by canning, pickling, drying, and freezing
  • Bake your own bread as often as you can

Some big radical changes you may want to move towards

  • Only cook ‘from scratch’ using as many home-produced or locally produced ingredients as you can (save money)
  • Banish all pre-prepared foods from your kitchen 
  • Keep a kosher kitchen
  • Preserve and store enough food in the summer and autumn to tide you through the winter and spring months (save money)
  • Consider a vegetarian or vegan diet for yourself or your family
How do I learn new skills?

Ask neighbours, friends, family. In particular elderly people may have lots of skills they are willing to pass on to anyone interested. In your area you may find evening or weekend courses you can attend. YouTube can provide easy free access to experts! 

(C) Ray Lovegrove 2022

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